‘Carbon capture essential for UK green transition’


the government has announced a new carbon capture scheme, which the energy secretary says will help industries like cement to decarbonise.

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Ed Miliband told us the Climate Change Committee, the government’s independent watchdog, advise carbon capture is ‘essential’ if the UK is going to meet its carbon budget.


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  1. Spoiler alert
    We don't meet the 0 carbon deadline
    And the climate goes crazy

  2. He doesn’t know the costs for carbon capture,all guess work

  3. Rubbish and too costly in terms of energy. Upgrade the grid and add energy storage so we can make the best of renewable energy sources.

  4. Rubbish and too costly in terms of energy. Upgrade the grid and add energy storage so we can make the best of renewable energy sources.

  5. This is the end of british heavy industry and competitiveness

  6. Sinister malformed cultist freak, he is despicable

  7. Complete pillock.

  8. Stop robbing poor people

  9. Cambridge university have developed zero emission cement https://www.caths.cam.ac.uk/cement

  10. What a PLANK !

    Plant more trees you dim git

  11. Even if this advisory body was indeed "independent" (which it isn't) it doesn't mean that it isn't also promoting an agenda that it isn't owning up to

  12. More cheeese……Grommit?

  13. What a stupid idea. Bring back coal and plant more trees.

  14. All this is doing is chucking billions at big business in pursuit of a goal we don't know is achievable. Ask the experts, they know what's happening here and it's more about kow-towing to big business than anything vaguely to do with addressing the climate emergency. Labour are gaslighting just as the Tories did.

  15. Slippery, sloppy, slimy man

  16. All a hoax. All a hoax. The left are leftarded

  17. Shutting down our own oil, gas, coal & steel industries, to import same from more polluting countries, so carbon floating around the atmosphere will increase, and carbon capture is like using a peashooter against an elephant. All for a flawed theory about the harmful effects of carbon, whilst ignoring the positive effects of greening the planet (as per NASA evidence).

  18. Why instead of cabon capture which the £4bn gas power station on Teesside will need to capture its emissions. Why have there been no announcement on Small modular reactors which do not produce CO2 emissions

  19. So they find 22billion for net zero scam after claiming theres a 22 billion black hole they created that hole

  20. With war and potential for oil price to surge. Lets see how green energy can replace oil.

  21. I think we should know how many of are MPs have money in the companies associated with going net zero

  22. He’s actually going to put everyone out of work and pay for it out of everyones UBI from now till the end of the world !

  23. Whilst EU countries have realised carbon neutral by 2030 isn't achievable without huge pain and destruction to the economy. Labour has decided all those warnings by experts are wrong. Christ even Germany has reopened coal power stations and Ed decides to make UK energy industry worse. 😂🫡👏

    The wonders of donors lobbying with their money. 😂

  24. This £22 billion they're spending Where's that coming from? There'll be less air pollution this year as most pensioners cant afford to put the heating on because you robbed them you morons!

  25. He sounds completely unhinged shilling for the parasitic class of industrualists. All the watchdogs are corrupt and this chaps pockets have been filled for this comment no-one is interested hearing.

  26. WANKER 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

  27. Another stealth tax on everyone and it wont work. Has this moron heard of trees the best way to capture carbon

  28. Labour have really set a huge benchmark for future winners of a general election. How many ridiculous policies can you enact within the first 6 months of power. I guess the thinking here is simple. Don't need to worry about pensioners going cold, when there's no power for anyone to use at the hight of winter.

  29. The climate change committee.

    It’s like having a committee for season changes.

    Paying somone to tell you it’s warm , or raining . Etc …..

  30. Deliberate Storage is an incompetent disaster. Presenting it equivocally with Carbon Capture is dishonest. If we can capture carbon (paying £22bn for it, I assume someone has accepted it works) we can convert it to e-NG in our gas grid which immediately displaces expensive, enemy-funding fossil imports with domestic netzero product. If we go on to make long-lived products (building elements) with it, that is Storage but paid for by downstream netzero industry.
    Can't believe these clowns are doing this. New clobber and holidays all round?

  31. Boh required

  32. I wish he would stop putting carbon in to the world 🌎 hold your breath please

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