Keir Starmer gives speech on carbon capture – watch live


Keir Starmer gives speech on carbon capture – watch live
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#keirstarmer #carboncapture #climatecrisis #climatechange #uk #politics



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  1. Corrupt politicians make me SICK.

  2. I am sorry but capturing Carbon and dumping it under ground doesn't seem like a net zero solution to me –
    as we know trees do the same thing let's plant more forests and produce less pollution- let's build a public transport system yo be proud of that works and that's non profit making so people can afford to use it and reduce traffic on our roads …

  3. They should’ve taken ‘the carbon cycle’ out of the school science curriculum before trying to spin us this bs.

  4. Even his tie isn’t straight.

  5. Invest in Tide & wave technology it comes in & out twice a day, every day without fail. As we live on a island imagine the amount of energy & jobs that woud create.

  6. the sausage strikes back

  7. Where did he get the suite, and those £5k glasses 😂😂😂😂

  8. This is the international equivalent of being sent ‘for a long stand’.

  9. horror show

  10. Starmer is a tory sent to sabotage the Labour Party.. hes doing a fantastic job of it too

  11. An industry that produces nothing. That really is a £22bn black hole.

  12. Does Starmer really think that the UK's air only goes as far as the coasts? How are all these suction fans going to be powered? Carbon capture will be filtering the world's air! At £25billion hundreds of mew forests could be planted which remove far more carbon.

  13. War Criminal

  14. Gift Gate – PM Punk Minister, The Liebour Party is an absolute disgrace.

  15. We pay more for our energy than anywhere else in the world minus winter fuel payment+ 10% price increase = rip-off Britain

  16. This rubbish has to stop. It's all a scam.

  17. He's got some mates in CO2 capture who need a hand and a boat load of cash.

  18. 20:40 start by industry host
    22:49 ed milliband
    26:07 rachel reeves
    28:34 prime minister
    39:36 questions
    54:30 end

  19. there’s this marvellous carbon capture item, it’s called a tree. It doesn’t give gifts to Labour ministers though.

  20. Just plant a million trees . Much better cheaper and faster at CO2 capturing than some bloated White Elephant project costin £billion, employing 25 people and enriching shareholders . IE a scam

  21. Feel sorry for our prime minister he knows the storm is coming 🤔🤔🤔🤔

  22. Today we imported energy from Norway and France while we shut Ratcliffe power station. Madness.


  24. These Red Tories do Tory better than the Blue Tories. Enjoy. 🎉

  25. free gear keir

  26. people living in mansions telling us how to live clean
    CLIMATE CHANGE is a big scam ,they should pay equatorial countries billions in CARBON CREDIT,what a scam😂😂😂😂

  27. Not this, hostage to fortune again, greenwashing serves no one. It's difficult to find anyone in the Industry, that thinks Carbon Capture will play anything other than a bit part in Decarbonising our economies. And it's certainly Not viable economically for Fossil fuel power stations. And there is absolutely Zero proof it can be used on anything other than in an experimental basis….

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