Met police officers sacked for athlete stop and search regain jobs


wo Metropolitan police officers who were dismissed after carrying out a stop and search on athletes Bianca Williams and Ricardo Dos Santos have regained their jobs after winning an appeal.



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  1. ‘Police woman being assaulted at manchester airport also got sacked’

  2. 😡😡😡😡😡😡

  3. And yet the black community are not complaining about the poor lady Cher Maximen who got murdered by black people at Notting Hill Carnival nor questioning any uncomfortable home truths about how much they all truly hate and despise eachother. 🤔

  4. Trying to get a man sacked just because of your ego.

  5. When playing the race card fails…….

  6. The Met still have a culture of racism. I used to work in Police stations, not so long ago, and the canteen culture was racist. The number of chats where Police officers revealed their tactics for harassing minorities, especially if it increased their overtime. (their pay structure is also a scandal)

  7. Just disgusting. Looks like police corruption is alive and well!

  8. Absolutely disgusting liars

  9. Unfortunately, the Met has a history of racism, corruption & Incompetence, along with South Yorkshire and GMP. Recent history has taught us this, especially the 1980's and 1990's.

  10. Great news

  11. Welcome to America, whoops sorry its England! Absolutely disgraceful, they weren't doing their jobs! If it had been a white family this wouldn't have happened! Athletes are regularly tested for drugs so I doubt very much that the couple were taking anything! If you can't get into your car WITH A BABY! Without getting arrested there's something seriously wrong here!

  12. They should have been sacked

  13. their only crime was that they were white. It's right they have been reinstated – it's time the MET took a long hard look at itself.


  15. The Police taking liberties again.

  16. cos with the low pay there are not enough decent people to employ.. so they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel and re-employ violent racists.. Maybe Gullis could join the force ./.. he cant find work and he would fit in well with them

  17. These were good cops glad they're back on duty we need courageous force like that ❤

  18. Fantastic they did nothing wrong just doing there job

  19. This is upsetting all the right people!😂😂😂😂

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