Satellite images show Antarctica is turning ‘green’ faster than previously thought


the icy landscapes of Antarctica are turning green at a faster rate than previously thought, researchers warned, a change that could spark dramatic shifts in its fragile ecosystems.

Plant cover on the northern Antarctic Peninsula expanded more than 12 times over the past 35 years, a new study has found.

Satellite imagery analysis by researchers shows that vegetation on the peninsula grew from less than one square kilometres in 1986 to almost 12sqkm by 2021.

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  1. This is the way it was meant to be. Antarctica was once a lush environment,and it's about to become the Equator again. The pole shift is not a lie,or is the coming micronova of our own star – the sun. There is no such thing as "man made CC",at least as far as global warming is concerned. We'll be heading into an Ice Age in about 50+ years.

  2. Antartic is turning back to normal. Before ice age.

  3. Are we being gaslighted? Wasn’t it all white on the maps and globes since forever, since when was it green again?

  4. Antarctica, soon the new geopolitical dispute arena.

  5. I was told in school that nothing grows there.
    Don't believe the textbooks….
    Don't believe anything….
    Only verify
    I will never verify this.

  6. B U L S H
    If you've ever wondered what fake news looks like; this is it ⬆️

  7. Throw some ice cubes in there.

  8. In the 60s man made it rain in Vietnam War. What do you think MAN is capable of today. Clueless Independent?

  9. They act like this is unusual. Where do they think the plant life comes from? It has been there all along, buried in snow and ice for periods of time.

  10. Cant listen to the womans annoying voice.

  11. His Name is God. Read the Holy Bible for all answers and what is to come.
    JesuSaves ✝👑📖🇮🇱🙏🏼❤

  12. This is simply not true. It's been colder in antarctica this last 24 months then we meassured in the last few delades. Why are they spreqding these lies?

  13. Scientists: We warned you to stop global warming!
    Reality: Without progress few survive, and all suffer.

  14. Nice! That green stuff converts co2 into oxygen. That is what we want! Getting rid of the co2. Problem solved!

  15. It looks nicer green .

  16. Stop all the bombing.

  17. AI is turning us into zombies faster than I thought

  18. Всех беженцев переселять туда,особенно палестинцев и мексиканцев

  19. 👾👾👾👾👾👾👾👾👾👾👽👽👽👽👽👽👾👾👾👾👽👽👽👽👽👽👽🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈👽👽👽👾👾👾👾

  20. Gee.. everything we warned about 50 years ago,is happening now. But, hey,more billionaires and corporations.. that's all that matters.💰

  21. The Earths Climate has been constantly changing since its creation from space debris. Mankind will come and go.

  22. But is this bad? We just are new to the Earth and haven't been here long enough to see the changes. We came along in the ice age and still are in the ending phases

  23. Yup humans are dumb as sheet. Now we all no it

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