Sayeeda Warsi on Gaza, Islamophobia and ‘disturbing’ Conservative Party


Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, Britain’s first Muslim cabinet minister, has long been an outspoken critic of her own party over its attitudes towards Islam. Last week, after an investigation was launched against her over a post on social media, she resigned the whip saying it is a reflection of ‘how far right’ the Conservative Party has moved since her time in office.


Warsi has just released a book, “Muslims Don’t Matter”, which is an impassioned polemic setting out her views on the hypocrisy and double standards applied to British Muslims.

In this episode of The Political Fourcast, she speaks to Cathy Newman about the Israel-Gaza war, Islamophobia in the UK and the Conservative Party’s “disturbing” shift to the extremist right.

Produced by Silvia Maresca and Calum Fraser.


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  1. What is she on about, attention seeker..

  2. I don't feel safe in my country.

  3. Elegant and insightful, thank you for this interview.

  4. I love this woman and NO we are NOT leaving so carry on with your islamophobia and racism

  5. Cathy Newman is such an incisive and fearless reporter. She really challenges her guests, exposes their contradictions, etc… Well she did with (dramatic lack of success) against Jordan Peterson…  
    Anyway Warsi, could luck with the book sales.

  6. The problem is due to ignorance and bigotry, the public have been brainwashed with right wing Farage/ Enoch Powell types , and Rupert Murdoch doing a fantastic job on media and convincing hard core racists like Tommy Robinson to initiate racist riots, particularly against Muslims. UK is meant to be a world leader and progressive country, but now certain Ultranationalists have manipulated and incited hate in the public. Rupert Murdoch ( A Jew) has campainged with his media, Fox, Mirror, Daily mail, Sun, etc…to hate Muslims, and dehumanise Mulims ( as in Palestine) to Justify Genocide in Gaza/ Lebanon. Again Hitler in the 30's did a similar dehumanising of jews/ Poles et… So this is early dangerous rhetoric. Islamaphobia is on the rise, caused by media.

  7. Do we need foreigners to preach tolerance to us? I don't think so. Our idea of tolerance is rather more nuanced than just allowing anything anybody wants.

  8. It's funny how Poland and Hungary don't have these issues. You're just dishonest, Warsi because you're taught to lie to infidels.

  9. I have zero sympathy. We didn't ask you to come here.

  10. I think you need to listen to Mosab Hassan Yousef.

  11. You're at a crossroads. Follow the signpost that says "India".


  13. Shes a drama queen, none of them will return to Pakistan its a shithole.

  14. The door marked "open" is wide and clear…….don't like the place………….

  15. no such thing as islamophobia

  16. She is right the global south is engaging more in diplomac and also some countries in east Asia are also engaging in diplomacy. It appears the UK is looking more inwards.

  17. Sayeeda Warsi is right , there is overt racism and covert racism happening.

  18. Judging from the comments here, I'd say that most commentators are over 70, have never met a muslim, and have been told it's unsafe to step out of their houses….so live is a psychosis of imagined danger.

  19. you may not feel safe , but in reality you are safe . if you dont feel safe leave

  20. islam is a idea 1 to wich we do not condone in this country could you imagine if we went to their country and popped up a christian church be all out war

  21. I admire her commitment to a more honorable and inclusive set of Conservative values. But poll the party members and you'll see that the Tory party isn't the home for this.

  22. The world is changing and the East will be the influentail in politics and economy , the west is struggling and is going down but without putting up a fight.. The empires are not eternal.

  23. If Ms Warsi wants to avoid racism, please avoid the Conservative Party.

  24. Ban the Terror Manual, the Quran, for
    any chance of Peace in the World

  25. Ditto I don’t feel safe as a white Christian woman!!!!!

  26. EXTREMISM particularly Islamic extremism is HATEFUL.

  27. Most people don't want Muslims in their country, and don't like Muslims.
    Get it into your head.

  28. NOT to Taliban and Haqqani Network terrorist groups please world.

  29. Remember Afghanistan 🇦🇫 please 🇦🇫.

  30. What a farce

  31. There is no justification for Islam. It’s a death cult based on fairy tales. Time to move beyond

  32. Did she ever say a word against the Muslim grooming gangs 😂😂😂😂 NO but Islamophobia matters to her…

  33. Never liker her because she was a tory. However, total respect for her in this podcast and her honesty and how professional and open she was in this discussion.

  34. ..but Enoch Powell was right

  35. She has developed UKPHOBIA 😮

  36. Islamophobia …What a joke, they hate everyone that are not the same as them!

  37. The difference between the Baroness and her culture war colleagues is that they understood the the breif. The Tories promote Black and Brown people to advance racism so that they can deflect the accusation.

  38. No Iranian ever needed to claim asylum before 79
    No Afghani before 2001
    No Iraqi before 2003
    No Libyan before 2011, not forgetting Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Gambia, Sierra Leone, northwestern Somalia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, and Malawi etc. It's no wonder Western countries are starting to fill up with refugees.

  39. What a vile far left grifter! Cry me a river! Buhu poor me me 🐷
    This is BS! Enough of these orks!

  40. The scum we saw over summer are out in force in the comments

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