UK gov pledges almost £22 billion to carbon capture


the government has pledged almost £22 billion over the next 25 years for carbon capture and storage technology.


The funds will go towards projects in Teeside and Merseyside – which ministers said would provide vital new jobs and investment as well as help the UK to meet its climate goals.

But some critics say the highly expensive technology could lock the country into “second rate solutions” – when greener alternatives might exist.

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  1. Plant potatoes, carrots, and leeks, etc, because this technology thing will never last.

  2. LOL yet another BS strategy!

  3. So this is where my winter fuel allowance has gone. Bastards.


    can any reporter show the gov this youtube, it tells them crystal clear why it's not work in today's technology.

    if they really want to achieve net zero in electricity, why don't they just fund the below company, don't team up, don't mess with them.

  5. Why is she pumping out the propaganda does she think we're all stupid and dumb does she really think we believe in her verbal diarrhoea propaganda does all the government and the mainstream Media think all the people are stupid dumb peasants plant more trees it will be cheaper stop wasting our money

  6. Of course billioners who benefit from oil industry, will not like the Kier Starmer's plan related to blue hidrojen

  7. Labour giving taxpayers !oney to subsidise the continuation of fossil fuels. This is a big experiment. We don't know if they will successfully store the carbon under the sea for the length of the scheme. The carbon has to stay there forever and who will maintain the well casings sfter that?

    They are building at least one new gas fired power station with this scheme, so 25 years of more and more fossil fuel subsidy instead of subsidising the establishment of a strong renewable energy sector.

  8. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ not quite s-creek territory but close. Renewables are already undercutting the cost of of fossil-fuel energy – spending that amount of money on the transition would ensure best bang for the buck.

  9. Carbon capture is the choice promoted by oil companies. This says “let’s carry on as we are and we can just capture all the problem” – can’t believe how Tory the PM is.

  10. Who’s is far left sugar daddy this week? 😂

  11. 22 billions to destroy the economy, that should work.

  12. Just realised BJ is the best in last decade

  13. Meanwhile, the public will pay the cost with high energy bills.

  14. What a silly sausage 2 tier is, who is your benefactor Sir Tool? You should have gone to Spec Savers, buy one get one free and it would have saved you a lot of controversy!

  15. #10:5@1023- Only a twisted construct of MiI.Göv.Scí.Edü hegemony over our lives would strain credulity by claiming this is somehow 'climate related'.

    2025 torrentials rains in UK/EU, Middle East and ASEAN, are caused by COLD FRONTS. Weather 101. In the recent UK/EU rains (and snow) it was caused by an unseasonal POLAR ARCTIC COLD BREAKOUT.

    Official 97% Agree lPCC AGW is +1.8°C by 2100. +0.025°C per year. That's nothing! There is no 'climate change' data correlation to rainfall at all! This is ANTI- Science!

    Their hucksterism is Signs & Tribulations Fourth Revelation Evangelicalism, for phat Wall Street Greenwashing profits and Göv.Scí Hucksterism, like this report. We don't have to follow their Carbon Tax tröpes!

    Of every $1 that Workers are forced to pay in 2025 'carbon taxes', only 7c is redistributed to fake NGOs claiming to 'represent climate refugees'.  93c disappears unaudited into The BIöb. Resist!

  16. they just going to 'store it' – yeah right! rubbish science

  17. It's called plants

  18. Money scam . Trees capture carbon and its for Free .
    This is a way of making billionairea even richer .

  19. The idiots in charge now, funny, creating a £22bn hole in the economy.

  20. Labour doing more tory policies.

  21. This is absolute rubbish. Capture carbon & store it under the sea? What does Ed Milliband know about anything.

  22. Ahh, the exact same £22,000,000,000 size hole the tories left………well colour me surprised.

  23. I think that it is an excellent idea! Even though the country will be burning fossil fuels, why not!? The only reason that we do not use fossil fuels is because we had no way of coping with the carbon dioxide. Now we do.

  24. Absolute hubris of this Starmer government. Trees do this for free. Whose getting paid, follow the money and you’ll find corruption. Starmer makes me more angry by the day

  25. Absolutely outrageous. Nobody else is doing this because it doesn't fucking work! Scam technology, starmer works for the oil and gas companies.

  26. Labour Governments are very good at wasting huge amounts of money, this has the makings to waste even more.

  27. It's a white elephant to give so called meaningful jobs when you could plant a forest, the best carbon capture devices on the planet but it wouldn't give anyone a meaningless job would it, oops did I say meaningless. Obviously meaningful jobs. You have a job, you get paid.

  28. Off to a bad start. Should be spending it on nuclear fission not wasting limited cash on lame ideas. Plus 22bn over 25 years is useless information, they can't control what future governments spend their priorities on.

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