Professor Michael Clarke assesses Ukraine’s dragon drones | Ukraine war


the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence has released footage of what they say are their new dragon drones in action. The drones appear to drop liquid fire from the sky.

Sky’s Military Analyst Professor Michael Clarke explains how these dragon drones work and why they’re so terrifying to come up against.

#skynews #ukraine #ukrainewar #drone

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  1. Seems like he does not really know what thermite is. Its a metal power mix which, when ignited (by a mechanism in the drone) will undergo a fierce reaction and form an extremely hot liquid metal (melt). This melt is what rains down on the enemy positions in the videos. Because it's so hot most stuff it comes in contact with will start to burn. Depending on the liquid volume that hits the target it easily burns through organic tissue, in some cases even a helmet. Thermite is mostly known for its use as relatively simple method to repair/weld railway tracks.

  2. Lies…..lies…..lies…..please stop lying towards us….we knew better than u….and we knew that the Ukrainian losing the war….😂😂😂

  3. When can we get this on Amazone?

  4. Yes Thermite was a substance found in the 911 dust- normally used in demolition- funny how that got in there.

  5. two weeks after the Ukraians developed and started using these flame drones, the Russians copied them and are now mass producing and using them too.

  6. Acording 2 Nostradamus possibilitee. "When Le Comet Shall Run"

  7. We need British troops to help Ukraine now

  8. russians won't care if it is banned – won't stop them using it – they have totally ignored so many other rules of war.

  9. bit of pest control…

  10. “Inhumane weapon” is what that dude just said.
    The only humane weapon is civilization’s focus and there is none of that in sight

  11. It is unusual to hear Dr Clarke saying negative about the Ukraine regime since he gave up being an historian of some repute and became a media man.
    In this case he has no choice because thermite spraying as shown here can only occur by injecting oxidants into powdered 'rust' and igniting each "pellet" of the mixture with detonators. It follows, therefore, that these are a type of cluster munition but of a slow type.
    They not only should be banned on moral grounds but already are banned within the category of the 2010 Convention on Cluster Munitions.
    The UK cannot be a party to supporting a regime which stoops to this barbarity and Mr Starmer has a duty to cease all military aid to the illegal and unconstitutional regime of Mr Zelenskyy and his inner circle.
    The footage, if genuine, is proof of a war crime or at least evidential given that a war crime only has that status in a court.
    The 2010 Convention is with the UN and therefore comes under the jurisdiction of that body. The UN may choose a court in a member state for trial.

  12. Russia has been using phosphorus bombs which is equally extremely terrifying and painful

  13. This talking head doesn't understand enough about physics to understand thermite.

  14. That was the stuff found around the world trade centre.

  15. Its okay for Ukraine but not Russia.

  16. 61292 Kennedi View

  17. Professor Clarke could talk about 'nursery rhymes' and it would still be interesting

  18. Why doesn’t he report on what’s actually happening? How Ukraine is losing territory daily? No, no, can’t have that.

  19. It’s hard not to imagine Russia using this against civilians.

  20. liquid fire or chemical ? using chemicals in war is war crime ?

  21. Another wonder-weapon developed by the See Eye Aye for testing on the Ukrainian battlefield testing-grounds…. then wait for the devastating Russian retaliation…

  22. Hernandez James Robinson Margaret Martin David

  23. How come he ain't giving us the daily war updates after he was masterbating over the kursk incursion.

  24. 12318 Buckridge Plaza

  25. UKTAINE ✌✌✌

  26. why is he mispronouncing the materials/weapons XD

  27. These drones can be easily shot down.

  28. The RAF should convert crop duster planes to Thermite spreaders

  29. Horrible shame Putin can't just get out stop sending young men to horror

  30. The clown is back 😂😂😂

  31. Russia is truely a powerhouse

  32. Thermite will melt steel as well. Only Titanium, graphite and a few other materials are resistant to thermite.


  34. What a horrible weapon.

  35. De war is vitrtually over by Thanksgiving silly.

  36. Such terror.

  37. Termite. Dey eat wood.

  38. His cool

  39. Thermite has been used for years. Common thermite consists of a mixture of aluminium powder and iron oxide powder. When ignited to start the reaction the iron oxide is dissociated into metal iron while the aluminium combines with the oxygen and the reaction releases heat energy


  41. Imagine if Russia used similar weapons. I wonder how the Western media would react? 😅

  42. I think the bull…t and lies is catching up on Mr Clarke, he looks like a man who's health is deteriorating.

  43. 🤣🤣🤣

  44. Must have been given to Ukraine by the USA or other western countries

  45. My goodness. The world is nuts.

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