Is Physical Punishment Ever Acceptable for Parents?


Presenter Gemma Atkinson has been criticised by a parenting expert after she revealed that she pinched her one-year-old young son when he did it to his four-year-old sister. Podcast host and father-of-two Marvyn Harrison says there should never be a reason for physical discipline while Danni Nicholls says she bit her son to teach him a lesson. They debate if it’s wrong for parents to use pinching as a form of punishment.

Broadcast on 03/10/24

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  1. I grow up in 1948, my parents taught me respect, and whenever I behaved bad/naughty/mean to my bother and others I was spanked. When my behavior escalated to a non acceptable level I got the belt, and I learned a lesson no to do it again, and not only that, but also I had to be responsible for my bad choice actions. I’m glad, and happy I was raised that way. It made me a hardworking young girl/woman. A decent human being. The only time I talked back to my mother I was 21 and I got a slap on my face. That kind of behavior at any age was totally unacceptable. I raised my two boys the same way. And I’m proud of them, one is a bilingual teacher and the other one is A bilingual LineMan. Chores were also
    Part of my and their childhood. Today’s children are spoiled, don’t do any chores and they are very disrespectful . Including my three grandkids.

  2. Yes! If a child is physical then return what they give, they have to learn.

  3. If you know how to communicate with your children. Physical punishment isn't needed. He's 100% right. Her behaviour alone shows what kind of parent she is… the difference is night and day

  4. It’s NOT acceptable.

  5. Physical discipline is perfectly valid tool when used properly.

  6. Nipping ? That’s actually a great idea

  7. Physical punishment ever acceptable for parents ? I have never seen any child put his mother across their knee and spank her .

  8. Ask people who have adult children to know how corporal punishment made them violent or not?

  9. some kids need a slap not abuse and not in rage or anger but with correction and some kids need a hard talking to. kids need discipline full stop! some kids are more challenging than others. Kids need a balance and some kids are easier to reason with than others. kids need healthy fear and respect of there parents. That's why the world is full of trouble with the generation we have. Every parent has there right imo

  10. I heard of a 2 year old baby who was pinched by his Mother, then the baby cried for three hours straight and was scared of his own Mother. So no, this is brutal and definitely not OK!

  11. I can't believe there is a good reason in the world to hit a child. You can't say I pinched my child because he pinched me. Or I slapped my child because they ran out into the road. I'm certain most parents who have fully grown children they abused or disciplined with some force look back and have regrets about it. One thing children do, I think all parents fail to comprehend when they have kids is, kids grow up they turn into adults and remember. How you treated them as kids, is EXACTLY how they will treat you when you are elderly. It is the circle of life, so be kind parents. If a child is doing something like stealing or behaving far beyond their age, it is psychologically help they need not beatings.

  12. So we are promoting child abuse now.. GMB needs shutting down at this point.

  13. It's now illegal in Wales.

  14. I have to say that this woman shows a complete lack of discipline. I really doubt she is rational when she hits her children. She can barely control herself here

  15. If it's not okay to discipline your pets with physical punishment, why is it okay to discipline your kids that way?

  16. She abuses her kids the sick women

  17. Why can't people make a distinction between discipline and abuse.Stop conflating the two.We live in the real world not a utopia.I was brought up with verbal and physical discipline and turned out normal.

  18. "My kids did nothing but fight" That's because they are a reflection of you!

  19. You not ok with parents disciplining not abuse but you are ok with state putting them away!!!

  20. How do you get a child to let go if it has latched on to another with its teeth and won’t let go, drawing blood? Do you sit there talking to it while the other is screaming in pain? I wouldn’t and I haven’t.

  21. Never! I was raised with psychical punishments, and i went off the rails. I have never even raised my voice at my kids, and guess what… my kids dont know it is to shout at their mum or Dad, teachers or other pupils at school. They are strong and understand

  22. I would never judge a parent for pinching a child in that situation. However, I personally don't think physical punishment is necessary to discipline a child. I was never slapped or physically punished as a child, but my parents knew how to discipline me fine with conversations and other methods. Notmally, a stern look did the trick. I think the problem today is that kids are allowed to get away with a lot more, and parents are not setting rules and boundaries early enough, so these situations get put of control to the point physical discipline is resorted to.

  23. Teachers were physical with pupils back in my days at school.smacking caning getting hit with a plimsoll. In the early 80s this was phased out.

  24. No. Discussion over.

  25. Never about government corruption is it 😅

  26. Ffs what has British society become?

  27. He’s delusional

  28. 100% agree with the lady in the green dress.

  29. ‘You do have to have an element of fear of your parents’
    This is the problem with these outdated beliefs on discipline. Not only is it morally wrong, it doesn’t work!

  30. They don't "need to be frightened" they need to understand why not to do something or why its dangerous, they learn nothing but to do as they're told by you or they'll be physically harmed. Bad lazy parenting! Simple

  31. She's a dsnger to her children, look how she's behaving on TV in front of millions unable to control her temper and allow him to speak without talking over him! He's remained calm at all times; i do not hurt my daughter and she is so polite and well behaved (often get comments on it) with respect for me but her dad is (as was with me) a violent bully and she doesn't listen to or have respect for him – my point proved !

  32. That's why youths are turning out like thugs because they were allowed to fo anything. Sick of muppets telling me how to bring up my children.

  33. She is right,

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