Nigel Farage Insults Robert Jenrick Calls Starmer And Cleverly Twins!


Following a bad week for Robert Jenrick’s leadership chances, the head of Reform UK was asked about it and Farage claimed that the former Immigration minister was trying to “out Farage, Farage”. He also claimed that James Cleverly and Keir Starmer were basically twins in the policies.

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Credit: ITV



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  1. And yet the news now is generick is in the lead with jimmy dimly off the cards, though that's more down to dumb luck, well, more dumb than anything given it seems dimly "lent votes" to generick and managed to lose the contest to him, what a farce…

  2. Labour have no intention of dealing with immigration, you know that. Reform is destined to reign supreme on this matter. To smear farage is all anyones got, it's playground politics. The country will turn to farage, it's just a case of when. Grooming, rape and knife crime are not desirable traits, we tried your way.

  3. Will you please stop 🛑 talking about Farage. He is a total failure but somehow we keep hearing his views on anything 😞

  4. Cleverley… Farage, always with his finger on the button.. 😂😂😂😂

  5. "You need a track record in believing in these things"

    Do you nige? You don't, and it hasn't stopped you!

  6. Farage is a low down two bit self serving chancer

  7. The racist child hater Jenrick will be the next idiot to lead the Tories because he is white.

  8. It's important for labour to deal with corruption, freebies and second jobs, that's why these type of people join politics, remove that and you remove the main incentive for the likes of Farage to become an MP because you can be damn sure it's not to serve the people of Clacton or the nation! Make MPs work for their constituents and only their constituents and you'll get rid of the rot in Westminster!

  9. Maybe if Labour could manage better the economy and people would not feel left behind, then the immigration problem solves itself.
    Off topic: I don’t know why, but whenever I see Garbage for me it seems he increasingly looks like Mitch McConnell, who looks like a turtle…

  10. Don't try to argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level and then win with experience.

  11. He’s so far up his own back side

  12. This guy sounds like such a melt you live in italy and your still obsessed with nigel

  13. As a Labour voter, I wouldn't vote for Reform- they are a bunch of fascists

  14. the creep really loves himself ..doesn't he ?

  15. Farage says – 'my niccotine milkshake brings all the Tory boys to the yard. I 'd could teach you Jen, but I'd have to charge! '😂

  16. The Clacton ghost and his fellow neer- do wells have no intention of doing anything remotely useful for the UK, brexit and it's out comes are proof of that!!!

  17. A broken clock is right twice a day, and Farage is a broken clock that refers to himself in the third person. A narcissistic broken clock. Wonderful. We have a choice of right wing leaders that includes a narcissistic broken clock and a bent property speculator imitating a narcissistic broken clock. That's democracy, folks!

  18. Can his head get any bigger 😫 😩 🙄

  19. Clacton MP?? Has he even been there?

  20. Toads 🐸🐸🐸 have zero charisma.

  21. Nah. I would argue that there aren't many Labour voters left who haven't already gone over to Reform.

    The Redwall voters left Labour for good when they voted for Brexit, Johnson and presumably Reform more recently.

    Of those who are still voting Labour, there is a different challenge for Starmer:

    1. Dissafection from the left with those voters seeking a left wing alternative

    2. Dissafection from muslims over Palestine, with those voters seeking viable independent candidates

    3. Dissafection from more liberal voters who might go towards the Greens.

    Remaining Labour voters are unlikely to go to the Tories, Reform or even the Libdems.

    So further splits of the Labour vote could pave a way through for weasily Nigel.

    The Tories could form a coalition with Farage if they see him as a threat or a favourable ally.

    A weakened, divided Tory party is good for Startmer at the moment from a certsin point of view but equally bad because it makes Farage look credible due to his consitency and fawning media support.

  22. When he Sliddered Up Trumps Bung hole on the last presidential campaign in US, it was cringe worthy,, his big Teeth 🦷 smiling like a Gimp!

  23. Aaron Banks Financing gifted Farage a 4 million pound house in Chelsea. Blue Tories, Red Tories and bat sh*t Reform are all on the take.

  24. Farage is like a barrage balloon full of hot air.

  25. They will probably have Batshit Man as leader until Boris the Liar is selected for another bash.

  26. He gets bungs and freebees too, never trust politicians, especially slimey feckers like this prick. Sheep follow, Lions lead themselves.

  27. I doubt the Tory party membership will pick Cleverly when they can select the headbanger option of Badenoch or Jenrick, whichever makes it through the last round of MP votes. Of course if both Badenoch and Jenrick make the final two they will think all their Christmases have come at once 🙄

  28. He was gobbing off in the Commons about somewhere he probably can't find on a map too. But enough about Clacton….

  29. Not interested in Farage. It’s time MI5 investigated his links to Russia… well as the Tories.

  30. talking about yourself in the third person is a huge red flag.

  31. In other words: racism is the way forward, and no one does that better than Reform!
    Meanwhile there are millions of Reform supporters who refuse to believe that Mr Farage is even slightly racist….

  32. My views on the three parties that people seem to talk about the most.
    Conservatives – Never voted for them and never will.
    Labour – Couldn't and wouldn't vote for a party run by Starmer which is really not much different from the Tories.
    ReformUK – Will never ever vote for them as long as there's a single breath in my body.

  33. Why would Labour voters switch to Reform? It would require a complete change of mindset. Anyone who has voted Labour up to now is unlikely to be a racist.

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