Should Face-to-Face Doctors Appointments Be Mandatory?


In August, 1 in 20 GP appointments in England were carried out by video or online – the highest proportion since current records began.

Debbie Arnold and Dr Murray Ellender debate if it is time to make face to face appointments mandatory.

Debbie Arnold and Dr Murray Ellender debate

Broadcast on 02/10/24

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  1. My GP is run by some amazing doctors. They always give face to face appointments, unless you require a telephone one by yourself. God Bless them!

  2. I’m old enough to rember before appointments waiting in a queue to see a doctor go back to the old ways it worked

  3. I spent 2 hours trying to connect vis PATCHES its a joke..Im a pensioner fairly literate online but it is SO SO complicated round and round te houses with it and still no success..I dont want to get up at 7.30 every morning to hang on a line for an hour and a half to be told at 1 minute past 9 that there is nothing available!! …I ts time to get Doctors back into the office..Im sorry but the NHS has the funding Its nonsense that it doesn't They need to get rid of the unnecessary diversity and inclusion nonsense and sort out the many systematic failures throughout the NHS ..its a disgrace..!

  4. Give choice ,but reduce their salary

  5. What happens if people don’t use the internet? Like the elderly or people who aren’t tech savvy?

  6. Absolutely!

  7. This shouldn't be a surprise, should it?

    Doing it this way results in many more appointments being available. Particularly for minor issues (eg stuff where antibiotics will sort it).

  8. When I trained as a nurse several years ago before qualifying…one of the most important things we were taught then as Student Nurses ..that despite what it patient was telling you ie their symptoms etc . First and foremost was that you 'looked' at the patient .. primarily because there are so many vital signs that could signal what their illness might be changes . eyes ..mobility ..cognition and so on ..all of these cannot be assessed over a phone ..which is why I fear that many conditions even life threatening are and could be mis -diagnosed .e-consults .and sitting in front of a computer are very dangerous precedents

  9. Face to face only when necessary. Online when not so serious.

  10. I think doctors just don't want to do there job anymore they get good pay we are not getting good service there quite happy work from home we the tax payer payes there wages and they need to get back into the sergery infact how do we know they are working from home they could be on holiday in a cafe we dont know they need to get back to work

  11. Welcome to the general publics health
    concerns !!!

  12. Rich out of touch snobs,,doctors and police

  13. The high credibility of GP’s has fallen, and that’s their own fault, if all they want is to be is a medical telephonist so be it, that’s what they should be called. Members of the reception team are the ones who decides by a tick box exercise, whose inbox the online form goes in, I was told that by them when one of mine went missing. I wont use that system now. And face to face appointments should be mandatory, unless the patient specifically asks for a telephone appointment it should be their choice not the GP, or receptionists.

  14. My doctors don’t give a toss,they get paid more and more and seem to do less and less.

  15. It should be up to the patient. My gp offer both when you ring up. They ask would you like face to face or over the phone, face to face appointments are more difficult to get (whether that’s because there’s less off them as they take longer, or more people are wanting them). I’d rather have a phone call appointment than non at all! This lady is being dramatic, maybe her surgery has become difficult and won’t give in person ones without a fight, but that’s up to her surgery to change. It’s not a systematic issue.

  16. Should be personal choice, I've also found I got faster advice from a GP online than wasting hours trying to call for an appointment.

  17. I prefer phone call as too unwell to travel then have to sit in a waiting room for 2hrs. Obviously, depends on the condition.

  18. Face to face

  19. Shocking should not happen face to face is only way if you have health problems

  20. Yes make it mandatory

  21. Seeing a doctor is rarer than hens teeth,

  22. I do think sometimes that the receptionist does know everything about me. I don't really care. I expect them to be discreet.

  23. My GP Practice in Belfast it is mandatory. I think circumstances are different. I had a chest infection & really wasn't fit to go to the practice. I would've preferred they'd given me the Antibiotic over the phone. Rather than me having to go to the Surgery.

  24. Yes or replace with ask Google

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