Ocean Rebellion campaigners protest outside IMO in London


Ocean Rebellion campaigners have been spotted outside the International Maritime Organisation in London highlighting what happens to marine life as a result of fossil fuels.

One protester wore a fishbowl on her head filled with black liquid as though she was drowning, as another protester gripped a petrol pump with flames coming out of the end.

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  1. Oh for goodness sake

  2. Cudos for effort. Looks great!

  3. I hope those guys wearing gas masks are aware that those old green nbc filters can contain asbestos.

  4. Protestors are being more creative

  5. I've been scuba diving and I didn't see any of that going on.

  6. Why are they making pollution while protesting against pollution?

  7. Protesting against foissil fuels by burning fossil fuels.

  8. Reminds me of a george clooney batman movie

  9. Okay go protest in a country that really doesnt care about ocean pollution.

  10. Bring back mental asylums.

  11. A protest group thats finally found a way to gain attention without ruining people's lives.

  12. I'm not one to kink shame, but maybe they might want to keep this private.

  13. Nice Halloween costumes

  14. Now tell me, what is this idiocy? A spinoff from the oil people? They need to stop their benefits.

  15. whats he burning to make them flames?

  16. Some fallout 4 cosplayers

  17. I cant sea it being a hit play.

  18. i mean…it's creative….lol

  19. Imagine going there and give them a coin for the performance 😂

  20. Humans.

    We populate the Earth.

    We kill billions of others on our planets on a weekly basis, a routinely repeated mass genocide, this is normalised, we sell the remains in public and nobody blinks an eye at literal dead bodies in supermarkets.

    The majority of us hold some irrational religious belief and let that nonsense influence important decisions.

    All of our societies are run on currency, which in itself is just more made up nonsense, money doesn't actually have value, its just an empty promise of wealth.

    Its all methods of control, and they indoctrinate you when you are impressionable.

  21. Least they aren’t vandalising stuff like just stop oil I suppose :/

  22. They really had the time and money for all of this

  23. Who can look at that and say, "Wow, what a great way to get people on our side." 😂

  24. Haha, 10/10 for creativity, although it looks kinda dangerous?

  25. It's silly but I would rather they do this than glue themselves to the road to be fair

  26. Back in the 20th century, these people would of been taken to a nuthouse.

  27. Can we reopen the nuthouses please?

  28. Londonstan

  29. we are living in a dark time right now

  30. Modern Britain looking more like Children of Men every single day

  31. What a load of tossers

  32. This is the type of stuff society turns into without traditional Christian values.

  33. Bored drama students need to take the plunge & try employment.

  34. There is no hope, capitalism will destroy the planet.

  35. Do you wonder if the sponsors have lithium stocks.

  36. Woah, she's incredibly brave!! A courageous stunt and highly original protest indeed. MOST EFFECTIVE!!

  37. What the hell is this?

  38. Build more assylums. Cheap & nasty ones

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