UK to hand Chagos Islands to Mauritius after decades long dispute


now Britain has agreed to give up sovereignty over a group of remote islands described as its last African colony – after a dispute stretching back for fifty years.


In return, the Chagos islands deal will guarantee the long term future of a strategic military base, used by the UK and the United States.

The government hailed what it called the historic agreement with Mauritius, and said it would “address wrongs of the past”.

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  1. Communist starmer giving to his communist china friends. Probably for some new suits and glasses and wife's underwear 😜

  2. Thank you Jonathan Powell for reporting the facts, there are others who are posting videos on the decision taken on the Chagos islands that are based on misinformation and downright lies.

  3. Just giving them to China

  4. but CHagos has nothing in common with Mauritius look even for maps where is mauritius and where is chagos it is a joke and hiding now behind maritius gov to avoid international critics – Chagos should return not to Mauritius but to the people who lived there and still be part of british crown. they didn't ask to leave uk but that they could return to their homeland which is occupied and still will be – more over hading over this to Mauritius means to give it to corrupted Indian monopolized goverment and it means more harm to the people who originated from Chagos then it was done until now

  5. The "British are a joke" continues….

  6. Surely this is part of the British Commonwealth and comes under the King's duradiction,Why then is a Traitor to this country going over the Kings head like this?
    It cant be lawful without consulting The King,The house of Lords or at least The house of commons?

  7. It is laughable when some claim China will be given a base by Mauritius when the Chinese OWNS A HUGE CHUNK OF LONDON and also the fact that the rest of the islands are so tiny, none of them can even accommodate an airstrip or waters deep enough to accommodate a naval port! The gaslighting is on another level!

  8. But KS benefits either way

    Dictator much?

  9. Let me guess this is the result of his gifts? 😂😂 why is kier comparable to a dictator

  10. The base is secured for 99 years. We are finally starting to work within the rules of the Law again. The law can be a donkey but it is called grown up diplomacy instead of the lunacy of the last 14 years of austerity and running the country into the ground, stirring up pointless culture wars, hatred and division. The Torres are still desperate after the failure of Brexit to gas ⛽ light us into loosing more of our human rights by leaving the echr. The migrants will still be protected even if we as a nation fall for their madness yet again. I have never voted and never been a royalist or an 🐜 i royalist but according to some people that is enough of a reason why I should have my life systematically destroyed. Funny old world 🌍🤔 but no one has killed me yet. Keep up the great work 👍 channel 4.

  11. They might as well return any artefacts they might have stolen from Mauritius and/or any other nation. The UK is famous for stealing other's property and claiming it as their own. It's a country that still glorifies slave owners till this day by keeping up their statues. Now that tiny island is inhabited by tens of thousands if not millions of foreigners with different cultures. Karma works in mysterious ways😃

  12. At least two things need extremely careful consideration of what's going on here. Firstly, in light of Clive Hamilton's book, 'The Hidden Hand.', what is China up to with their many financial investments into Mauritius, and secondly, in light of that same book, is Starmer naively uninformed, or has he already become dangerously compromised in view of his lax attitude to accepting 'gifts'?

  13. Waite and see how the place will be clean or heavy polluted.?

  14. Gibraltar Should Be Given Back To Spain

  15. "vists"

  16. Hammy Lammy ruined another one ..

  17. So what next – Gibraltar to Spain, The Falklands to Argentina, how can PM Starmer decide he’s doing this without a vote?

  18. Our politians are true idiots.

  19. Their is nothing on this island

  20. China will have a base there in the next few months, communist Starmer is also being paid by China.

  21. Just remember who started this Process.
    Now, the very person who started this process is complaining about it.

  22. Why was this such a pressing issues? Why have they done this in the first 4 months of parliament? Why have they done this with no parliamentary oversight? Who benefits from this? CHINA

  23. Starmer needs to be investigated for corruption and underhand dealings.

  24. A community had lived on Chagos for centuries. Forcibly brought from the African continent and Madagascar to the then-uninhabited Chagos islands by the British. Over the centuries they became a distinct people with their own Chagossian Creole language, music, and culture. UK sold part of the land to US for £££. A land like Palestine was never theirs to give.

  25. I don’t believe the reason behind the excuses given?

  26. Make everything native again

  27. Could have sent illegal migrants there?

  28. De colonisation and beginning of “Restoration of all things”.

  29. To give 🤔
    Was it theirs first place 😂😂😂😂 shame is extinct on this planet

  30. Absolutely disgusting. They should not have the authority to give away any British territory. A weak pathetic disgrace this government are. They didnt even ask the people on the islands who have no interest in belonging to Mauritius !

  31. Get this fool out of power.
    Nigel farage fir PM

  32. What an absolute shambles the UK govt is

  33. So you are against immigration, but you don't mind stealing foreign territories. wtf

    Welcome All Chagos islanders' migration to UK.

  34. There will be a China base next door very soon..😂😂😂

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