Is It Rude Not to Thank Drivers for Stopping to Let You Cross the Road?


Rylan Clark sparked a debate online after he complained about pedestrains who don’t thank drivers when they giveaway at zebra crossings.

Broadcast on 04/10/24

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  1. Why thank the drivers for applying the law. Do they thank a pedestrian at green lights?

  2. There shouldn't be an obligation to say thank u or wave. First world problems harden the f up

  3. Legs were made before wheels!!!

  4. Some of us have very bad social anxiety which gets mistaken as rudeness

  5. Just rev your engine once they have passed and give them a finger 😊😊😊

  6. He keeps going on about cherries seems like he is struggling to lose his 😂

  7. White shirt guy shouting his point says it all

  8. I always put my hand up.

  9. Yes it is rude.

  10. It is a nice thought ,but stopping at a place not designated as a crossing can be dangerous .

  11. Shouts to Kane, knew him some years back. Sound guy

  12. I’m a very calm person. But I do get road rage-contained to my car that makes my kids laugh- when I let people go in car or pedestrian and they just totally blank me, which seems to be about 90% of people in my area

  13. Isnt that deep

  14. 1st World problems!

  15. I always thank them . Manners cost nothing . I was brought up this way

  16. If my 8 year old granddaughter can give a wave of thanks I don't think it's hard for everyone else to

  17. I ride a mobility scooter snd i always thank motorist who stop and let me cross safely ❤❤

  18. This is one of the little British things that are disappearing in our world.

  19. Yes it is it takes two seconds just to nod in appreciation

  20. Cha upset me

  21. I say thank you if a driver has stopped to let me cross at a random part of the road. But if it’s a zebra crossing it’s my right of way and wouldn’t think of thanking them. I don’t expect drivers to thank me when I let them pass either.

  22. I was in a rush and had to drop my brother at school in the morning. He was misbehaving, and out of frustration, i didn't raise my hand to thank the driver (i usually do), but when we got to the other side of the zebra crossing, he rolled down his window and said "your kind of people dont say thank you"

  23. I always do it when crossing its just something I know to do out of courtesy and what not but I'd NEVER expect a pedestrian to wave back to me when I am driving.

  24. You either have that respect or you don't. If you have to force it, don't bother.

  25. I do it.
    But in the end its the law

  26. no it isn't rude, why would I thank someone for following the law. that's like thanking strangers for not assaulting me

  27. Funny how he started shouting at the start of the debate 🤣

  28. Drivers should be thanking the rest of us for being allowed to use the road at all.

  29. Yes it is rude – no question about it

  30. Says it all

  31. Expected to say thank you to someone for abiding by the law. Get a grip of yourselves!

  32. I saw Keir Starmer walking across a pedestrian crossing without acknowledging the driver .This is an OUTRAGE and he should resign !!!!!!!!!!

  33. Drivers have to stop at zebra crossings for pedestrians. It's the law. My father was knocked down on a zebra crossing by a careless driver who was in a hurry. He spent two years out of work because of the injuries. This driver is acting as though he owns the road and if he does stop it's an inconvenience to him and we should show how very grateful we are that he deigned to stop.

  34. Yes it's rude I even wave when they stop at a zebra crossing

  35. I will wave if someones stops lets me cross where there are no traffic lights or zebra crossings. But not where they're supposed to stop. I've been nearly driven over on a zebra crossing many times. Always thank the bus driver, cashiers. Cyclists are menaces.

  36. People are misunderstanding the law, it's a requirement to stop if they're on the crossing but it isn't a requirement to stop if they're waiting at the crossing which I presume most people do the latter instead of the former however it's advised to slow down when approaching a crossing to make sure you don't break the law but that's just advice not the law as well.

    So technically they can continue on their merry way without any legal ramifications but typically in most cases they stop in those cases they're going out of there way doing a good deed that isn't required of them by the law that's something that deserves thanks in my book.

  37. Good job covering the important news.

  38. Its not rude but if you take driving test you dont do it by law you do it and you will get minuse on your test so before they ask question get the true facts first i took my dri test 28 years ago told this by mt dri instructor i do give a thumbs up and thank bus drivers

  39. It doesn't take much effort to lift your hand a little to thank someone, the same with waiting to enter a building and thanking them as you exit, manners really take no effort whatsoever. You're not obliged to do it, it's just the difference between a decent, well brought up person or not.

  40. No of course it's not rude. As a pedestrian if you make a step on the zebra crossing it's law that drivers stop to let you cross. At a pelican crossing do you thank the driver for stopping at a red light. Do you thank everyone for obeying the law. Does the government thank tax payers for coughing up the correct amount of income tax. No. But they can prosecute if you don't. Obeying the rules is an expectation.

  41. Drivers are trested like absolute dirt these days by central and local government, so anything I can do to make their life more pleasant I do without hesitation. Waving a thank-you to drivers who stop for you, whether they're legally obliged to or not, costs nothing yet make life really more pleasant. I'm a pedestrian more often than a driver. And I always thank the bus driver when I get off. No driver has it more difficult than a bus driver these days.

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